Recently the house owner of this land in Setia Pearl Penang requested the building developer to find a more secure, long term solution against termites before building their property. This property is done by a local Penang Property Developer.
Hence we installed the Kilstant Reticulation System for this property.
It is important to protect against termites especially for new buildings, homes. However having said that, many property developers in Malaysia only performs the basic method to pass off the requirements of the construction body and method of statement set by the Architects, Consultants and etc. In most cases, some contractors do not even do the termite spray or do it at an extreme basic method which is questionable.

And who pays the price in the end? It would be the home owners. Many home owners be it in Penang or Klang Valley face termite issues and problems after moving into their homes. Some even after 6 months moving into their homes, termites infest into their home
Termites damages cabinets, flooring, skirting and many more
Examples of new properties purchased in the millions and only to find termite damages which in return gives you more headache, damages and resources to fix

Seek a long term protective solution against termite with your property developer. You can raise this issue up and the developers will listen to you as a home owner to address this issue using a long term Advance Termite System as part of their construction.