Kilstant Sdn Bhd Malaysia once again is proud to be the company from Malaysia to be summoned by the Royal Engineering Team to protect the Royal Majlis building at Nad Al Sheba belonging to HH Sheikh Mohamad Rashid Bin Al Maktoum against Termite Issues in Dubai, UAE
The termite piping system or termite reticulation system installation at the Royal Majlis Block goes as following:
Planning in Advance using Construction Drawing
Site Assessment
Planning & Coordinating the System Layout
Executing the System accordingly
Ensuring the system works accordingly
Ensuring all compliance

1) Planning Stages

It all begins with the construction drawing once it reaches our hand, and the preliminary works begin to plan the layout to cover all areas as much as possible for the review of the consultants and engineers
Adjustment will be made accordingly to the site as we progress.
2) Assessment

Team arrived on 5th September 2022 to initiate the works. Before initiating the works, site assessment is made the expectation of the client to understand the delivery of the Advance Termite System for the Royal Property belonging to the His Highness is met. This building serves as the Royal Gathering of His Highness and the importance on the world stage to ensure the building is safe and secured is very important.
3) Planning & Coordinating the System Layout - Executing Site Work

The Malaysian termite piping system covers every possible areas and angles so that termites do not get access into the royal villas from underground.
The image beside shows the system circulating all the ground beam or tie beam with dispenser attached along the system at every interval.
The system is specifically designed to offer long-term termite management and damage prevention.

This system would also include all the critical entry points such as Toilets, Wet Area, Staircase, Kitchen Cabinets, Perimeter, Ablution Area and etc.
Piping Inlets or Outlets are also a very important zone to cover with the termite replenishable system because these are the termite entry zones.
Image beside shows the Advance Termite Reticulation System Circulation the Piping Inlets and Outlets
4) Ensuring the system works accordingly - Liquid Flow Test Before Lean Concrete & DPM Works

The liquid flow test is very important to show the efficacy of the system as shown and depicted as per in the image.
The floor slab beneath the building which will be the earth will be protected with chemical (termiticide) barrier.
Termiticide chemical will be injected via available points and can be periodically replenished.
5) Testing, Witnessing & Reporting
The System undergoes rigorous inspection by the consultants assigned specifically by the Royal Team (Facilities Management) to ensure it passes the installation, compliances and deliverability at every stage and angle

Another Perspective View of the Majlis Block:

We thank the Engineering Office of HH Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum & the Main Contractors team to entrust and allowing Kilstant Malaysia to showcase, install our reputable Advance Termite Reticulation System to protect the Royal Buildings and Villas belonging to the Ruler of Dubai. We want to ensure the system serves, protects the building for a long term in sustainable manner against termites.
More Information about our Advance Termite System here:
This system is brought to you by Kilstant International & Kilstant Sdn Bhd
✳️ Contact us directly:
📞 0176435634 (KL & Selangor)
📞 0129101501 (KL & Selangor)
📞 +60176435634 (Dubai, UAE)
📞 0175724639 (Ipoh)
📞 0165230139 (Ipoh)
📞 05 5266464 (Ipoh)
For more termite information:
🌐 www.kilstant.my
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