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Feb 18, 20211 min read
Do Termite Swarmers or Alates have gender?
At certain times of the year, termite colonies produce “swarmers” - the winged adults that fly away to form their own colonies. Swarming...
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Feb 4, 20211 min read
Why do Termites exist in Malaysia & in the world?
Termites are actually an important part of the ecosystem This is because termites are efficient at breaking down cellulose, releasing its...
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Dec 9, 20201 min read
Can Termites - White Ants fly ?
Yes, They are known as swarmers and it is part of termite life cycle. This is how termite swarmers look like and usually during the rainy...
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Dec 2, 20201 min read
Can Termites - White Ants eat wooden door frame?
Absolutely Yes !!! Termites (White Ants) and door frames go hand in hand and this is one of the spots that we inspect in a building....
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Nov 25, 20201 min read
Can Termites Eat Plastic?
Yes and no. Termites cannot eat through plastic. However, they may try to break through plastic to access a food source While termites...
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Oct 14, 20201 min read
Termites Attack High Rise in Bangsar South
Kilstant White Ants was called to assess the Termite Issues that has arise at one of the many condominiums and phases that were built in...
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Oct 8, 20201 min read
Can termites eat cabinets?
Yes, Termites can rip apart kitchen cabinets, book racks and etc. This is due to the fact plywood, veneered particle board, mdf boards...
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Jul 22, 20202 min read
Termite Attack in Bangsar House ! Does termite attack by area?
Does Termite attack specific housing areas in Malaysia? To answer that question it is YES and NO. Why is that so? Termites is present all...
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Jul 15, 20201 min read
Can termites enter the toilet or bathrooms?
Can you spot the termite mudtube by the side of the toilet bowl? Termites enters toilet via pipes that are interconnected from outside...
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Jun 24, 20201 min read
Can termites eat my beloved Picture frame?
Absolutely Yes!!!!!!! Termites love the wooden picture frame unless it's made out of steel. But in most cases, almost every house,...
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